Thursday, May 13, 2010

UTHM Viva Team 2010 In Action

In collaboration with Perodua with the upcoming event, Perodua Eco-Challenge, A team of 16 students and 4 staffs had been selected to modify a Viva to become one of the most fuel efficient vehicle. Working approximately 12 hours a day, 7 days in a week, representing UTHM, we are getting ourselves ready for this upcoming challenge. Long Live PPM!

UTHM Viva Team.

One of the most experience team member. Beware!

The Staffs.

Viva Management Team.

Lecturing time by En Azhar.

Cute En Azhar and Mr President PPM (Right).

MyVi Citrus.

Doing some measuring.

Scratching the car?

Staffs having lunch.

Viva team having lunch.

Then its empty now. Hehehe.

The Great Designer.

The Staffs.


En Shahrul nah tengok nie!

Viva Team Member.

Viva Management Team.

Engine Master.

The team spirit.

The Great Publisher. ^^

Wishing UTHM Viva Team 2010 all the best and good luck.

Best Regards:

Mechanical Engineering Student Association


  1. Hi, just want to wish you guys good luck^^ As a last year participant, I just want to share my experience and give some advices; always keep your spirit high, give lots of commitment, be cooperative and always support each other. Always, always, always communicate and keep each other update! you dont want any problems arise at the very last minutes. When the competition is near, you all will feel the stress, be pushed to work quickly, lecturers and technicians will ask you to do different things.. so be prepare for it. I wish you all the best to make UTHM proud^^

  2. Melissa Yau: Hehe. Thankz for the support. U are the presenter last year perodua eco challenge right?

  3. Yup.. hehe I was so damn nervous that time... Encik shahrin and encik wan saiful helped me a lot!! Thanks to them

  4. Nice. Lol. Any tips for this year presenter? I mean like how the judges judge, wad kind of questions they would ask, how they see us as presenter? huhu... Getting nervous even a month before the race date!
